Optos Daytona plus Retinal Imaging is here!
This is what's in Dr. Nguyen's eyes, what's in yours??

CT Eye Care believes in incorporating the newest and latest technology available to provide the highest level of ocular health care for our patients! We are extremely thrilled to offer Optos Daytona plus, a laser retinal screening in our office!! The Optos Daytona plus is the only digital imaging device that provides ultra-widefield technology capturing a 200-degree view (or 82%) of the entire retina in a single, high-resolution optomap image in less than ½ second. It is exceptional to aid Dr. Nguyen in detecting, evaluating and monitoring for early retinal pathology and disease. Testing is FAST, EASY and COMFORTABLE!
In the case you are unable to be dilated, retinal screening is highly recommended to view and monitor your internal retinal health. These images will become a part of your permanent record and enable Dr. Nguyen to best monitor your ocular health annually.

Dilation is considered the standard of care and a covered service with your complete comprehensive eye exam. Dilation will be performed if retinal imaging revealed any ocular pathology. For patients with ocular pathologies (such as diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc.), dilation will be recommended in addition to retinal imaging.
Please ask our staff for more information.